Luster Vessels Created by
Paul J. Katrich for the
2006 Arts & Crafts Conference and Sale
at the Grove Park Inn

[Iridescent Pottery by Paul J. Katrich (1007)] [Iridescent Pottery by Paul J. Katrich (1007)]
"Distant Fires"
Luster Vessel 1007 (11-3/4")

To see a larger photograph,
please click on an image.


Vessels by Paul J. Katrich
Created in Winter, 2006, for the
Arts & Crafts Conference
at The Grove Park Inn,
Asheville, North Carolina,
February 17-19, 2006

[Iridescent Pottery by Paul J. Katrich (1006)] [Iridescent Pottery by Paul J. Katrich (1006)]
[Iridescent Pottery by Paul J. Katrich (1006)]
Vessel 1006 (9-1/2")

[Iridescent Pottery by Paul J. Katrich (1007)] [Iridescent Pottery by Paul J. Katrich (1007)]
[Iridescent Pottery by Paul J. Katrich (1007)]
"Distant Fires"
Vessel 1007 (11-3/4")

[Iridescent Pottery by Paul J. Katrich (1008)] [Iridescent Pottery by Paul J. Katrich (1008)]
[Iridescent Pottery by Paul J. Katrich (1008)]
"When The Stars Begin To Fall"
Vessel 1008 (16")

[Iridescent Pottery by Paul J. Katrich (1009)]
[Iridescent Pottery by Paul J. Katrich (1009)]
Vessel 1009 (9")

[Iridescent Pottery by Paul J. Katrich (1010)]
[Iridescent Pottery by Paul J. Katrich (1010)]
Vessel 1010 (6-1/2")

[Iridescent Pottery by Paul J. Katrich (1012)]
[Iridescent Pottery by Paul J. Katrich (1012)]
Vessel 1012 (7-1/2")

[Iridescent Pottery by Paul J. Katrich (1013)]
[Iridescent Pottery by Paul J. Katrich (1013)]
Vessel 1013 (5-3/4")

[Iridescent Pottery by Paul J. Katrich (1014)]
[Iridescent Pottery by Paul J. Katrich (1014)]
Vessel 1014 (6")

[Small Line]

Subsequent to being shown
at the 2006 Arts & Crafts Conference,
Vessel 1011, "Midwestern Summer",
was donated by the
American Art Pottery Association
to The Everson Museum of Art
in Syracuse, NY, at their request

[Iridescent Pottery by Paul J. Katrich (1011)] [Iridescent Pottery by Paul J. Katrich (1011)]
[Iridescent Pottery by Paul J. Katrich (1011)]
"Midwestern Summer"
Vessel 1011 (16")

Description of "Midwestern Summer"

"This vase is an impression of the rural highways of Ohio and Illinois in late Summer. The azure sky, gold and green fields, and sun-dappled trees are as seen from a rapidly passing car.

"To me, cornfields, wild grass and uncultivated trees represent life and vitality. These are the unappreciated natural beauty of common experience.

"I have many happy associations with such journeys: the solitude, the well-being, the quintessential America. Such trips often culminate in meeting old and new friends in the pottery world, making them that much more meaningful.

"The vessel sports a complicated and labor-intensive combination of glazes, requiring several firings to complete. These glazes range from olive green and deep turquoise satin mattes to matte and golden lusters. Its interior is a bright metallic copper.

"As with all of my pottery, this is an unique example, not to be repeated."

Paul J. Katrich

Click here to read a newspaper
article about the donation

[Small Line]

Arts & Crafts Conference - 2006

Paul J. Katrich also
Hosted the Group Discussion
"Arts & Crafts Potters:
The Unsung Heroes
in the Thomas Wolfe Room,
Vanderbilt Wing - 10th Floor,
Sunday at 11:30 PM


Style: 1900 Magazine Review
of the 2005 Conference
and Luster Pottery by
Paul J. Katrich

[Style 1900 Article - 2005 Arts & Crafts Conference]

To view a larger image,
please click on the graphic.

Style: 1900 is available at
Borders Bookstores,
larger B. Dalton Booksellers,
and select European magazines merchants.

Click here to
look at the Style: 1900 website;
back issues are available.

Click Here to
See Individual Photographs
of Luster Vessels at
Last Year's 2005 Conference

Click Here to View the
Arts & Crafts Conference Website
