Paul J. Katrich
Positively Unique and Rather Extraordinary Luster Pottery
(for Unique and Extraordinary People)

Member, American Art Pottery Association

American Bungalow Magazine

Atomic Ranch Magazine

Art & Antiques Magazine and Collector's Sourcebook

The Everson Museum of Art: International Ceramic Collection

Barbara Gerr (and Arnie Small) Antiques

Ginfor's Odditiques - American & West German Pottery, and More

Just Art Pottery - American Art Pottery

Motawi Tileworks, in Ann Arbor, Michigan

Old-House Interiors Magazine

Patti's Past Perfect Pottery - American Art Pottery

Chris Powell Pottery - Studio Potter with unique glazes, designs and forms
Our Website is Highly Recommended
by Schoolzone, Britains' Premier Educational Site

The Showplace - Art and Antiques Center, in Manhattan

Stella Shows in Manhattan: Antiques - Art - Collectibles - More

Stickley Museum at Craftsman Farms - Arts & Crafts Movement